7 Simple Tricks to make the Best of your Life, Starting TODAY

Michiel Schuer
4 min readSep 19, 2022

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Your life is amazing, and your life is short. Our time is precious, let’s not waste it.

For this reason, I have written down 7 simple tricks on how to make the best of your life. They might sound simple & dumb, but sometimes simple & dumb is good.

Remember that happiness exist in the smallest of things :)


1. Find your passion

Everyone must have a passion, a drive, something that makes you get up in the morning. For some it’s a job, for some it’s a family, for others it’s a hobby… everyone’s passion can be different, and it can change rapidly.

While I realize this is a very difficult thing to do — even I sometimes just “lose my passion” — you have to keep on searching until you find it. Right now I’m into writing, but a couple of months ago I was really into video editing. Our passions change, we change, so keep adapting, keep improving.

Do what you love and love what you do.

2. Take pictures of everything

Pictures are one of the best ways to capture feelings, views, memories, knowledge, fun, happiness,… and all these types of emotions.



Michiel Schuer

Enthusiastic about learning new things, side-hustles, and translating my personal experiences into motivational stories. https://michielschuer.com